I have set up a Moddle ( Moodle 2018) site and imported my Functional Skills Maths level 2 course setup with an adult education college.
Here is the link for you to check this out https://ed-tech.moodlecloud.com/ you can set yourself up and verify as I have used an authentication capture. you can see the course materials, if you self-enrol. However, the course is under construction at the moment and will be a work in progress. I always wanted to learn more about VLEs and how to use and run one. Now is my chance!
Looking back at the education establishments, HE/FE colleges, universities, adult education and training societies where I have taught or been a student, most have used Moodle as their VLE. This is a free opensource program that anyone can set up and use, there are extras and options that are paid for (Moodle 2018).
Although there is ease of use for the administrator and the tutor (hopefully given CPD) in setting up and tracking the students, via the leaning management program (LMP) side, this does not necessarily translate to the student. The student especially if they are using this type of technology for the first time, being a ‘digital native’ (Kirkwood 2014) or not, will need encouragement to become fluent in its use to feel comfortable in blogging, uploading and accessing content.
Kirkwood, A., (2014) Teaching and learning with technology in higher education: blended and distance education needs ‘joined-up thinking’ rather than technological determinism, Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 29:3, 206-221
Moodle (2018) Moodle Cloud, [Online] Available https://moodlecloud.com/app/en/ Accessed 31-1-10