Webchat (web 2.0) for Society for Education and Training (SET). Attended 11-2-19.

I will be attending a webinar to hear, Geoff Petty, author of ‘Teaching Today’ and ‘Evidence Based Learning’ and Marcin Lewandowski, SET Fellow and Head of Learning at Action West London, as hosts of our next webchat on Facebook, entitled:

Goal setting to promote learning outside of the classroom
Monday 11 February, 20.00 – 21.00

I will work on some questions to ask at the webinar which will provide an opportunity for me to participate in further web 2.0 activity.

Once attended I will evaluate and reflect on this opportunity. should be interesting. The Webchat can be accessed here .


I attended the Webchat and so did 217 other members of SET. There many questions asked around the above topic of “Goal Setting Outside of the Classroom”

My questions were as follows;

My webchat with Lewandowski (2019)

Although this was an interesting opportunity, to participate in the use of web 2.0 in a closed Facebook group, the time laps for the a response meant I did become disengaged and carried on with another task only checking back later to see if I had a reply. I do think this is a good way to communicate, but smaller groups is probably better. The response time was due to the volume of participants Jeff Petty and Marcin Lewandowski were responding to.

A Webinar (Web Seminar) in contrast to the a Webchat was far more engaging for me. The Webinar involves an online presentation and dialogue with opportunities to answer polls and post questions at certain points in the procedure (SET 2019a). I have attended these when they have been,offered by SET.

Overall I prefer the Webinar over the Webchat.


SET (2019) Live Webchat 11 Feb 2019 8-9pm- Goal setting for Learners. [Online] Available at
https://set.et-foundation.co.uk/ Accessed 3-2-19

SET (2019a), What is a Webinar? [Online] Available at set.et-foundation.co.uk/professionalism/resources-and-webinars/webinars/what-is-a-webinar/ Accessed 11-2-19

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