Mobile Phones for teaching and learning: Supporting the classroom ban or not?

There has been recent interest in banning mobile phones in classrooms due to the disruption that they can cause when students should be focussing on learning (Mason 2019). Students are seen as using mobile phones for social networking on web 2.0 sites such as Facebook, Snapchat and WhatsApp. However, are they accessing information to support learning?

The UK Governments Education Minister Nick Gibb is reported in the BBC news by Mason (2019) stating “Ban Phones in Schools”. There have been several reports in the news Guardian reports in response to the UK Culture Secretary Matt Hancock on banning mobile phones in schools, as France has, as well as a report in the Telegraph by Mintz (2108) stating Is it time to ban smartphones from our schools? suggesting that schools are wising up to and planning to do this to bring the children back to the real world.

Plus, a study by the Beland & Murphy (2015) provided evidence that the test scores of students before and after a mobile phone ban did improve. Not withstanding, a greater issue and that of the digital divide with those that have the social and economic capital and therefore, the latest phones and those that do not.

As with many new and evolving technologies there is a lot to be learnt before they are fully integrated into society and even the classroom (Poore 2016). There are pros for example, access to a wealth of information and cons a distraction with social networking, as with any new tool.

Therefore, as teachers we need to enhance and control its use. The more the mobile phone is accepted and in the open it maybe less likely to be a distraction.


Beland, L., & Murphy, R., (2015), Ill Communication: Technology, Distraction & Student Performance. Centre for Economic Performance Labour Economics.  41,  61-76.

Guardian (2018). The Guardian view on mobile phones: schools are better without them. [Online] available at Guardian News Accessed 25-2-18

Hancock, M., (2018) schools across the UK should ban mobile phones. [Online] Available at Guardian News  25-2-18

Mason, N., (2019), Ban phones in schools, says minister Nick Gibb, [Online] available at Accessed 11-2-19

Mintz, L., (2018) Is it time to ban smartphones from our schools? [Online] available at Telegraph Accessed 25-2-19

Poore, M., (2016) Using Social Media in the Classroom: A Best Practice Guide. Sage, London. Google Books

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