Blended Learning where would it be without out the World Wide Web (WWW)?

This is a reflection on the huge shift in society, learning and communication globally due to the WWW. We are also entering a new era with the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Everything (IoE), with the Fifth Generation (5G) WiFi and mobile technology (Mirazamany et al 2018). We have transformed from analog, wired devices, to digital, wireless devices, over a period of 30 years. This has been possible due to the connectivity via the WWW with multimedia of text, audio, images, animations, video and interactive content and multimodal devices in mobile phones, tablets and personal computers available globally (Caze 2017). All of which has transpired during my working life. I have had to continually adapt and absorb the new processes and practices from pencil and paper, dumb terminals and data processing departments to fully fledged mobile technology connectivity and web 2.0 social networks as a digital immigrant (Kirkwood 2014).

Here are several links to very interesting information about why and how the WWW started. Firstly, the why concerns a researcher Sir Tim Bernards-Lee’s desire to connect the internet, that already existed, to more easily share his research data. Secondly, the how is through his research into the connection and communication between the internet and computers. Thus in 1996 the WWW was borne, see what he has to say about it 30 years on (Newsround 2019)

However, without the WWW, the multimedia and multimodal connectivity we would not be studying, teaching and learning in a blended way that we are now. We have access to knowledge and thus can construct knowledge whenever and wherever we wish through the connectivist approach (Staunton 2018).

This does have a downside though we are connected, but disconnected from each other physically. Is the art of conversation dying? The following Ted Talk by Turkel (2014) “Connected, but alone” is inspiring and thought provoking about texting and connectivity. Are we losing the ability to converse face to face and be instantaneous in our response? The manipulation of language, through thought processes, to construct a well balance response, plus the ability to articulating thoughts feelings and emotions (not using emoticons) is different in free flowing conversation. This is as opposed to the drafting, redrafting and correction of a typed text, email, blog, vlog or social media posts, even with emoticons!

Following on from practice of typing or texting the written word, from a keyboard, follows the inability and dying art, says Dr Pearsall (Mintz & Turner 2017), of being able to physically put pen to paper and construct a well and clearly handwritten essay, letter or report, without the manipulations of a word processor. Due to the inability to write for a lengthy period of time there has been a demand that exams, that are at present hand written by students, should be available on laptops or tablets to type instead (Mintz & Turner 2017). Next the student will not type, but talk to text with voice commands!

This practice of being connected, but alone (Turkle 2014) and typing and not writing (Mintz&Turner 2017) is all part of the blended learning culture. However, as with all new or emerging ways of teaching and learning there are positives and negatives. The positive side sees the inclusion and widening participation for learners with access to teaching and learning anywhere, anytime via the WWW. Opposed to the negative of the learner segregation, feeling of isolation and the lose of the physical ability to write well and legibly. Coupled with the pressure of the availability of the WWW twenty four hours a day everyday causing some learners to become dysfunctional and reducing learners ability to construct meaningful knowledge (Staunton 2018).

Has the the WWW caused this dysfunction, as suggested by Sir Berners-Lee (BBC 2019), or is it the inability of the learners and teachers judgement on the amount of connectivity required to undertake blended teaching and learning, in the infinite sources of the WWW? It can become all consuming and addictive if we are not careful!


BBC. (2019). Tim Berners-Lee: ‘Stop web’s downward plunge to dysfunctional future’. BBC News Technology. Accessed 12-3-19

BBC. (2019a). What was the world wide web like 30 years ago? BBC News Accessed 12-3-19

Caze. S., (2017) Changing classroom practice through blogs and vlogs. Literacy Learning: the Middle Years, 25:1 at accessed 12-3-19

Kirkwood, A., (2014) Teaching and learning with technology in higher education: blended and distance education needs ‘joined-up thinking’ rather than technological determinism, Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 29:3, 206-221, DOI: 10.1080/02680513.2015.1009884

Mirazamany. E., et al (2018) 5G an Education. JISC Accessed 13-3-19

Mintz, C., & Turner, (2017) Cambridge University could allow laptops and iPads for exams amid fear young people are losing ability to write. Telegraph Accessed 12-3-19

Newsround (2019). World wide web turns 30: Facts you didn’t know. Newsround Accessed 12-3-19

Poore, M., (2016). Using Social Media in the Classroom: A Best Practice Guide. Sage. London. Google books.

Staunton, T., (2018) Education and the Digital Revolution. Chp 12. in (Ed) Marshal, J., (2018) Contemporary Debates in Education Studies. Routledge. Oxon. Google Books

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