Over the last three months, in this MA Ed Tech course, I have learnt a great deal about educational technology, its future and my competences, capabilities and capacities to deal with the fast pace of the changes in this field (Staunton 2018), especially after the visit to the Learning Technologies exhibition. AMAZING everything from Augmented and Virtual Reality to Artificial Intelligence in robot teachers assistance and as stand in students and more! The result is that its use in my education and my pedagogical practice, teaching functional skills maths and English, will change. It will change, because my perception of ed tech has evolved to realise that learning can be enhanced thorough active participation of the learners via the Virtual learning Environments (VLE) and other connective and constructive technologies (Stuanton 2018). Plus, it is another tool in my teacher tool box.
However, I have also become aware of the shortcomings and barriers that can affect the enhancement of learning for some learners and myself. These learners are those whose socioeconomic and cultural capital (Bourdieu & Passeron 1990) do not afford them the luxury of the multimodal devices to access the multimedia and thus the multiliteracies approach that can be afford in the and out of the classroom with meaningful, collaborative critical effect (Caze 2017) and all that this encapsulates. This widens the digital divide to a digital chasm. Therefore, I need to be aware of this when designing my VLE and how learners will access or can they access the courses outside of the institution? Whether this is via a mobile device, tablet, laptop or Desk Top Computer at a local library.
Regarding myself and the use of blended & distance learning and technology, I have come to realise that this is an isolated activity, whereas I am predominantly a social person. I need the face to face and physical “Community of Practice” in a social environment as explained by Wenger (2009) to learn. I have participated socially in many communities my whole life through home, work and study.
Whilst, those with socioeconomic may have difficulties accessing ed tech other learners, who have a Specific Learning Difficulty (physical or neurological), have benefited from technological advances in education (Laabidi et al 2014). There are specific tools and programs to assist them with learning. Some of these technologies I have reviewed in my blog. Again I need to make sure these learners have the correct and specific technology (with training) available to enhance their learning and progression.
As a note during the course the web 2.0 social networking (O’Reilly 2005) with easier user interactivity communication availability, such as Facebook, Twitter & Snap Chat have been a possible education tool that I would not have associated with teaching and learning. However, over the last decade they have become pervasive and ubiquitous as a form of communication via mobile phones. Whether, to use this technology as a platform for teaching and learning does however, appear to be open for debate from academics and learners, who see it as outside the remit of teaching and solely a social activity (Poore 2016).
So, although using educational technology can create inclusion and widen participation, I need to keep in mind whether this is what actually happens in my teaching. Also, that learning is enhanced and progression does take place for the learners.
Overall I have enjoyed the course, my blogging and feel that it has widened my horizons with the use of many and varied tools. I need to keep up to date with technology and use as a tool in my teaching for blended enhanced learning. However, I must be aware of the shortcomings and barriers for some learners regarding “If and how they can participate!”
Finally get out there and get a job!
Caze, S., (2017). Changing Classroom practice Through Vlogs and Blogs. Literacy learning The Middle Years. 25:1, 16-27
Bourdieu, P., & Passeron, J-C. (1990). Reproduction in education, society and culture (2nd ed.). London: Sage.
O’Reilly, T., (2005) What is Web 2.0., O’Rielly Accessed 10-3-19
Laabidi M., Jemni, M., Ayed, L., Barhim, H., & Jemaa, H. (2014) Learning technologies for people with disabilities, Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences. 26:1, 29-45 Accessed 1-4-19
Poore, M., (2016). Using Social Media in the Classroom: A Best Practice Guide. Sage. London. Google books.
Staunton, T., (2018) Education and the Digital Revolution. Chp 12. in (Ed) Marshal, J., (2018) Contemporary Debates in Education Studies. Routledge. Oxon. Google Books
Wenger, E., (2009). Social Theory of Learning. Chp 15, Contemporary Theories of Learning, Learning Theorists …. in Their own words. Ed., Illeris, K., Routledge, London. Google Books