To introduce the need for a critical exploration into blogging and vlogging, as a form of literacy, there is the need to consider why these forms of communications exist. Global computer networks and the advent of the World Wide Web (WWW) (BBC 2019), have transformed the way that we communicate with each other. We communicate in a myriad of ways via wireless (wifi) technological devices mobile phones, tablets, personal computers and games consoles, as multimodal (Caze 2017) and via various programs, platforms, applications and games on these devices, termed multimedia (Ng [2011], Hungerford-Kresser et al [2012]) . This has caused a huge paradigm shift in society. This shift is ubiquitous, pervasive and has redefined social communications globally giving rise to new cultures, symbols and languages; thus, creating digital literacy to understand this form of information and communicate accordingly (Liu 2016). This results in new literacy forms such as blogging and vlogging as part of resultant multiliteracies, as Ng (2012) suggests, that started from the studies of the New London Group set up by Cope & Kalantzis (2015) as early as 1994, to study the effects of a new pedagogy in the form of multiliteracies.
“By the mid- 1990s, the emphatic and singular connotations of the term ‘literacy’ were beginning to work not- so- well. The mass media and then the internet spawned whole new genres of text which meant that narrowly conventional understandings of literacy were fast becoming anachronistic“. As Stated by Cope & Kalantzis (2015).
Before continuing to explore the new multiliteracies (Ng [2012], Cope & Kalantizis [2015]) there is a need to define what is being considered here;
Blogging is keeping a type written online diary or reflective journal on a hosted website. Whether it is informal, formal, informational or academic (Baran [2007] & Richardson [2011]). This was termed web log before a new truncated word to describe the practice was coined by Peter Merholz in 1999 as blog (Merholz & Skinner 2017). How to Blog BlogStarter.
Vlogging followed on from the practice of blogging as computers and mobile phones, with cameras and video capabilities, enable the upload of personal videos, onto such hosted websites as You Tube. Thus video log became vlog and the practice became vlogging. (Baran [2007], Lange [2015], Snelson [2015]). How to vlog on Vlog Nation and the BBC Own it Vlogging.
Literacy and being literate has transformed over the last two decades due to connectedness of the internet and the capabilities of the WWW and wifi. It has become more complex and involves a plethora of digital mediums and ways to connect (Lacina & Griffith [2012], Liu [2016] ). Caze (2107) suggests that educators need to be aware literacy is evolving and how changes in technology mean more than easy access to, and reproduction of, information. Whilst Richardson (2011:148) postulates that being literate with online technologies demands a more complex definition; thus as consumers this consists of three aspects:
- publishing on the web needs critical reading, writing, self-editing and reviewing.
- awareness of how to publish to disseminate your voice giving awareness of agency.
- effective information management, collection, retrieval and safe secure storage.
This leads to the realisation that anyone who with the capabilities and capacity, to access and use the web, can disseminate information (hence the algorithm to detect fake news) has lead to a recent report from the world’s first global standards for digital literacy being considered (as below);
Global standard for digital literacy launched in world first
Digital literacy is seen as vital globally, as stated in the new report on digital literacy, by Digital (Intelligence) Quotient (DQ) Institute, also supported United Kingdoms (UK) Department of Education (DoE) and MP N. Zahawi (2019).
The DoE & Zahawi (2019) has acknowledged information on the web needs policing. Therefore, guidance on the quality of information for parents, teachers and learners will be graded to advise of suitability. The advances in technologies are so fast paced that pedagogy is lagging behind and not supporting how the younger generation are participating in the global community, at home and work (DoE & Zahawi (2019).
The technological advances and advent of Web 2.0, which created more enhanced connectivity, interactivity with ease of use and participation for all end users, was the start of the blogging and vlogging era. Web 2.0 consists of social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn (and some forerunners) which were created from around 2001 onward (O’Rielly 2005). Henceforth, web communication connecting a plethora of media via a multitude of modes leads to the two Web 2.0 tools, that I am critically reviewing, as a form of literacy for education. The tools are blogs and vlogs, and the practice of blogging and vlogging. Accessing and using the WWW, tools and internet participations overall term is digital literacy (Hungerford-Kressor et al 2012).
The context within which they will be considered is the Functional Skill English level 2 curriculum with the awarding body City and Guilds. This type of comparison to the literacy curriculum was considered by Richardson (2011) with the “standards for language arts” which found digital literacy to be relevant to most standards. Also, Caze (2017) changed her current classroom practice through blogs and vlogs to integrate them into assessment for the learners due to the technological changes and multiliteracies, to good effect.
So, will the the Functional Skills English Level 2 curriculum, skills, standards and range be compatible with the use of blogs and vlogs. The learner needs to be able to demonstrate the following competencies, capabilities and capacities to use and apply these skills to sit an online invigilated exam with City and Guilds (2019). The curriculum from which they set their syllabus is determined by consultation with UK government and quality assured by Ofqual (2011). The basic components are:
Speaking, Listening and Communication, Reading and Writing. The full skills and standards are in a document by Ofqual (2011) on all levels of English Functional Skills.
In considering the above criteria for the Level 2 English curriculum many of the areas with blogging and volgging can be assessed using these mediums and would enhance the learners digital literacy skills, which are needed to participate in many web activities, work and life skills ( & Zahawi 2019). The web activity enhances learning by giving a sense of ownership and agency (Baran [2007], Cope & Kalantzis [2015]). This is also noted as being a positive outcome for learners by Caze (2017) with blogs and vlogs , Hungerford-Kresser et al (2012) including blogging and Liu (2015) enhancing learning with vlogs.
However, there are some assessment criteria that are not covered by either bolgging or vlogging. This is where the teachers knowledge, as Caze (2017) points out, is needed regarding the curriculum to be covered, when combining the blogging and vlogging activities to the assessment criteria.
The main areas that are not covered by using a blog or vlog are:
- Formal presentation-that needs the learner present to deliver face to face and involvement from peers with a question and answer session. This could be however, be recorded and feedback given by the teacher on the verbal and nonverbal aspects of the delivery.
- Informal discussions -that requires a physical presence face to face group of peers to participate. They need to be aware of how to conduct a discussion (with some research), have a spontaneous conversation, listen, respond and interject. (Ofqual 2011)
Whilst, the assessment of the presentations and discussions cannot be judged with a vlog, Snelson (2015) in study of vlogging about school on YouTube, states that “new media literacy competencies relevant to social media use and authoring include performance, simulation…” so could be used to practice before the final assessment of the discussion and presentation to support learning. Well that is until Holographic Teleportation which was discussed by Sime & Thelmelis (2018) in there recent study of video literacy used in the classroom and the effects on teaching. Still not the same as face to face communication, but closer!
To conclude being digital literate and acquiring multiliteracy skills, such as blogging and vlogging, via multimodal devices (Cope & Kalantis 2015) is a requirement for work, life, study (DoE & Zahawi 2019) and to enable participation with social networking. However, there are aspects of online communities and practices, whether this is blogging or vlogging, that cannot be replaced by physical face to face conversations, verbal and nonverbal ques in communications with friends, colleagues or peers needed to satisfy some aspects of Functional Skills English at level 2 (Ofqual 2011). So, vlogging and blogging, in the new era of web technologies, is a form of literacy, but needs to be complemented with a physical presence for face to face conversations.
Baran, E., (2007), The Promises of Videoblogging in Education. The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), International Convention, California.
BBC (2019). World wide web turns 30: Facts you didn’t know. Newsround. Accessed 10-3-19
Caze, S., (2017). Changing Classroom practice Through Vlogs and Blogs. Literacy learning The MiddleYears. 25:1, 16-27.
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Cope, B., & Kalantis, M., (2015). A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Learning by Design. London. Palgrave-MacMillan. Google Books
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Lancina J., & Griffith, R., (2012) Blogging as a means of Crafting Writing. The Reading Teacher. 66:4, 316–320. International Reading Association.
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O’Reily, T., (2005) What is Web 2.0., O Rielly Accessed 10-3-19
Richardson, W., (2011). Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. Sage. London. Google Books
Sime, J.A. & Themelis, C. (2018). Exploring Video Literacy and the Practice of Educators: Videos, Vlogs, Videoconferencing and Holographic Teleportation. In T. Bastiaens, et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (pp. 2029-2036). Amsterdam, Netherlands: [Online] Available At AACE. Access5-3-19
Snelson, C., (2015), Vlogging about school on YouTube: An exploratory study. New Media & Society. 17:3, 321–339.