I have completed the course, Understanding Autism, On 21 May 2019 achieving 100%. This is counted as CPD hours.
This is the first module that I completed which on Autism from the National Autistic Society. Understanding autism this is a comprehensive module where the aims are as follows:
- Outline how autism has come to be defined and diagnosed.
- Describe common difficulties often faced by autistic people.
- describe some of the strengths and unique attributes of autistic people.
- Challenge common stereotypes about people on the autism spectrum.
- Recognise how to make environments more enabling for people on the autism spectrum.
There is a comprehensive glossary of terms; a full reference list; further reading, top tips; PDFs of information, videos and links to resources. As well as, tools to engage your learning. There is also advice for supporting autistic people, plus their views and perspectives on their world.
The course is a blended online learning package, with a pre-assessment that checks prior knowledge. Then a post assessment quiz, where you need to score 80% or more to qualify for your certificate. Logging in after payment and navigation are straightforward.

These are the four sections:
- Defining autism, the history and the experience of autistic peoples perspective. The most interesting part here was their perspectives.
- Stereotypes, of autism are portrayed in films, on the news and the causes have been blamed on anything from parenting to the MMR vaccine. Plus, defined as mental health, poor behaviour, having savant abilities and unable to empathise. The main point is to gain a better understanding of the individual.
- The autistic experience, concerns how the world is viewed and interpreted by the autistic person and was a good insight into their world. It helped me understand the autism from their perspective.
- Enabling environments, making sure that the autistic person is supported and understood in an environment that they feel comfortable. This enables them to feel safe and happy.
Overall this was a rewarding and insightful module that embedded my understanding and enhanced my knowledge of their perspectives on the world. this has also been useful as a resource for my MA Ed Project.