How to Improve My Maths Functional Skills Level 1 course on FUSE (VLE).

Research so far. 

What have I discovered so far, from researching about VLEs, that has been surprising and changed my thinking about their application in teaching and learning, especially for the application in blended learning.

I was surprised to read, in the blog post by McNeil (2014), that the VLE was a dictator and that teachers viewed it as a necessary LMS (Norman 2014), but not as an enhancement to their practices of teaching and learning. Also, teachers felt they needed to change because of the impositions of the VLE in their pedagogical practice (Beetham & Sharp 2013). No one necessarily likes change, but digital strategies in teaching, businesses and thus employment are essential tools required for digital literacy and thus, learners preparation for work, further study and life skills (GOV UK 2017).

Due to the necessary complex changes bought about technology with the VLE and teaching practise and with it seen as more of a LMS for tracking, audit and office administration, this aspect has changed my perception of how I could use it. Also, I can now see the perspectives of other stakeholders, especially the learners lack of engagement, compared too social networking (Laeeq & Memon 2017), and why it was viewed as a dictator by teachers (McNeil 2014). Therefore, I need to make sure the design and attributes of my courses are easily accessible, and engaging (Ferrell et al 2018). Making sure I am enhancing learning not just treating the VLE as a LMS and storage system for my presentations. However, using the analytical tools, via the LMS side of the VLE, to monitor learners access, grades for progression and attendance is useful (audit) for my maths course.

My maths course on Moodle needs improvement to engage and enhance the learning outcomes for my learners. From research and readings undertaken on VLE design (Ferrell et al 2018); integrating web 2.0 technologies (Facebook) (Newland & Byles 2014 ); alongside my trip to the Learning Technologies Exhibition and investigation into other web based data collection tools for assessment; I would like to explore and improve the application of these tools in my course.  This will also link into the specification changes currently taking place in the syllabus for functional skills maths (Gov UK 2018).

My Teaching Practice.

The main aim of my teaching?

The main aim of my teaching is for students to achieve the functional skills maths qualification according to their needs on the apprenticeship scheme. Another aim is for these skills to be transferable to everyday life. Alongside this it is hoped that the learners will develop self-efficacy and digital skills needed in employment, contribution to the UK economy and society (Gov UK 2017)

What do I know about my learners and how they like to work?

The students I teach are on an apprenticeship scheme (with a training provider) they are mature learners 18 plus (most are 25 plus) and have basic understanding of the application of digital technologies, usually with their mobile phones. I notice they work in a variety of ways which may include face to face exposition, demonstration and practical application in small bite-size chunks, with in the context of their working environment. Other ways in which students interact and communicate well with me and each other is on social media (web 2.0) for instance Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.

There is a standardised VLE used in the organisation called FUSE (see below), but the use of this application, by the learners, is limited and needs to be promoted with the corresponding mobile app.

get involved

Analysis of current situation:

How I currently use technology in Functional Skills maths.

As my role for the training company is a functional skills tutor carrying out lone working. There is a vast amount of technology used between myself and my employer and the learners to engage with me and the course. Here is the Tech Kit.

Educational Technology Kit.

The hardware is a mobile phone, 2 laptops mine and learners, printer and scanner and peripherals. With software Microsoft Office, Business Skype, Blue Fuse (for tutor use), Pink Fuse (for the learner) and Electa Live (online virtual classroom). I received a significant amount of training in the use of the technology and feel that I am proficient in its use. All used to direct and support my teaching and engage the learners with learning.

Has the technology enhance the teaching and learning of maths?

I was sure as I started this employment that this technology would enhance learning for my learners, but unfortunately due to issues around their work, life and study balance, plus the lack of digital literacy (they did not receive the training I did) and the hardware and software needed, also internet connection issues caused this to be more problematic than I envisaged (Poore 2016). Therefore, the face to face sessions (with physical books) are considered the best method, over what appeared to be technological determinism, for the organisations purposes, as noted by Kirkwood (2014). However, I did deliver sessions via mobile phone calls and recorded for assessment purposes, as well as emailed and WhatApped information to the learners (on a work mobile phone) starting their digital journey with links and downloadable resources (Gibson & Smith 2018). This was the learners’ next preferred method of learning opposed to accessing Pink FUSE, even when I encouraged its use via the FUSE mobile App (see below). So, the learners started to gain experience and enhancement of learning and digital literacy.

Cover art
Pink FUSE APP logo

Fuse Next-Gen Learning-Fuse Universal Ltd Business. This app is compatible with all of your devices.

Mobile PINK FUSE App

Planning for improvement:

How could I improve aspects of the VLE to enhance learning?

As the best communication with the learners was via WhatApp and mobile calls so, as suggested in the integration of SNS by Laeeq & Memmon (2017), should I consider using Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (web 2.0) introducing this into their teaching and learning as a tool for synchronous communication? However, I would advise learners that I worked 9am to 5pm my work mobile phone and laptop would be switched of outside of these hours. So, whether to consider these tools?

There has been research into web 2.0 and the corresponding social networking sites (SNS), by Prescot et al (2013) who carried out empirical research with nursing students to considered whether Facebook should be used in formal teaching and if learners wanted this aspect in their course. The decision was that as informal course communication this was acceptable. A further literature review by Tess (2013) suggests that SNS have become essential part of personal daily life, but especially in education and universities where collaboration and communication have been transformed with this technology (this is essentially where Facebook and the internet were created and why). At this point Tess (2013) states that teaching is in the process of adopting SNS. However, further study is needed to convince tutors. More recently there has been a study by
Laeeq & Memon (2017) that acknowledges the use of the VLE is diminishing suggesting integration SNS will help promote the VLE, learner engagement and enhancement of learning. Whilst this may be the case I need to consider personal data security issues that need to be adhered to for learners and myself, which I will need to investigate further.

Therefore, I will trail the use of SNS with Twitter or Facebook (with closed invite only groups) in my teaching to enhance learners engagement in the course, but not as an assessment tool. Although, this maybe prohibited by the training provider, as I cannot transfer any student data and the VLE Pink FUSE is a closed intranet.

Additional resources needed and how I will you get these?

As Pink FUSE is a standardised bespoke VLE it is closed to teachers amendments. Therefore, I will need permission and or agreement from the training provider to set up external groups on SNS. I will need to raise a case and write a report after gathering evidence on the teaching potential.

Using other web based tools such as Kahoot or Plickers is not possible unfortunately, as I teach on a one to one basis. Groups of learners was trailed, but due to different working arrangements, contexts and logistical reasons this was not viable.


Beetham, H., & Sharpe, R., (2013) Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: Designing for 21st Century Learning. Oxon. Routledge. Google Books

Ferrell, G., Smith, R., & Knight, S., (2018). Designing learning and assessment in a digital age. [Online] Available at JISC

Gibson, P., & Smith, S., (2018). Digital literacies: Preparing pupils and students for their information journey in the twenty first century. Information and learning science. [Online] Available at Emerald Insight (2017). 2. Digital skills and inclusion – giving everyone access to the digital skills they need. [Online] Available at

Gov.UK (2019), Collection: Functional skills qualifications. [Online] Available at Accessed 22-2-19

Kirkwood, A., (2014) Teaching and learning with technology in higher education: blended and distance education needs ‘joined-up thinking’ rather than technological determinism, Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 29:3, 206-221, DOI: 10.1080/02680513.2015.1009884

McNeil, S., (2014) Living with the VLE dictator. [Online] Available at Accessed 30-1-19

Newland, B., & Byles., (2014) Changing academic teaching with
Web 2.0 technologies, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 51:3, 315-325, DOI: 10.1080/14703297.2013.796727

Norman, D., (2014), On the false binary of LMS vs. Open [Online] Avalible at Accessed 31-1-19

Laeeq, K. and Zulfiqar Ali Memon (2018) ‘An Integrated Model to Enhance Virtual Learning Environments with Current Social Networking Perspective’, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 13(9), pp. 252–268. doi: 10.3991/ijet.v13i09.8000

Poore, M., (2016). Using Social Media in the Classroom: A Best Practice Guide. Sage. London. Google books.

Prescott, J., Wilson, S., & Becket, G., (2013) Facebook use in the learning environment: do students want this?, Learning, Media and Technology, 38:3, 345-350, DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2013.788027

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