I have completed Week 4 of Blended Learning Essentials: Getting Started.
This week was a little different, as I had a peer marked assignment completed and had to peer mark someone else’s assignment. This was an interesting twist to the blended learning approach that added an element of the Community of Learning, that is discussed by Wenger (2009), in that a common domain is needed for this to be effective which applies in this case.
This week brought together elements from previous weeks and looked at the process of designing a blended learning course, considering the value of story telling and story boarding techniques,
These were the resources for the week:
- There were videos on introduction to week 4, curriculum design process, incorporating digital technology into the assessment process; flipped learning approach (see 3 below); collaboration, interaction and shared working;
- Discussions on the application of the process model DADDIE and creative inspiration (See 1. below).
- Article on collaborative design (see 4 below), and round up of the week
- Exercise online for exploring tools for assessment. (See 2. below)
- Assignment: Design a blended learning activity for peer review. Review a peers assignment and reflect on the process.
1.Creative inspiration
You work through the iterative loop to follow the DADDIE model to design:
- Define the intended learning outcomes.
- Analyse the learners’ needs, expectations and requirements
- Design the course sequence, learning outcomes, activities and assessment
- Develop the resources, learning activities, and tests
- Implement them, making sure they are accessible, inclusive and usable
- Evaluate the course with learners to check that it is effective in achieving the learning outcomes, and to discover any additional outcomes.
This tools is good for assisting in the curriculum and learning design process. Especially when embedding technology. Other resources online for planning blended learning which were really useful.
Jisc Repository: The Jisc Repository is a digital archive of research and enterprise output produced by Jisc funded projects and other Jisc activities.
- Sharing Practice: A new website where VET sector teachers and trainers can browse and share effective practice case studies
- Making it Happen: Embedding digital technologies in curriculum activities
- Managing Curriculum Change: Transforming curriculum design and delivery through technology
- A holistic approach to embedding technology in curriculum design and planning processes.
To follow up the reference to the SOLA model for planning blended learning, there is a brief reference here.
Excellence Gateway: This is the Education and Training Foundation’s resources portal, and provides online access to an unrivalled breadth of resources for everyone working in the wider learning and skills sector. Plus, Leading wholescale curriculum redesign and NIACE report: A New Curriculum for Difficult Times
2.Exploring tools for assessment
These are some of the advantages of using technology for formative and summative assessment that students suggested here;
- Students pay more attention to audio feedback.
- Teachers’ administrative workload reduces.
- Students have something of lasting value.
- Students have alternative ways of showing what they have learned.
- Audio feedback makes it easier to advise on poor quality work.
3.Flipping the learning.
This activity introduced the flipped classroom and described the benefits for both teachers and learners. Here is a crib sheet that describes the how getting the learner to research and read in advance on the VLE and then bring the questions on the topic to the class, brings more meaning and deeper learning for the learner.
4.Collaborative Learning
The most important elements that are needed are;
- Alignment: To what extent is there alignment between the intended learning outcome, the learning and teaching activities, and the assessment?
- Assessment: Is there something every learner does that can show how well they are learning?
- Feedback to the learner: To what extent will learners be able to tell how well they are learning – can they self-assess? Is there feedback from peers, or from a computer, or from a tutor?
Assignment for the week
My assignment sent for a peer to review and submit feedback on.
Submitted by Ann Dean Session plan from scheme of learning.
Title. 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.
Curriculum level. Entry 3 Maths Functional Skills
Intended learning outcome. To identify and describe the basic 2D and 3D properties.
The sequence of activities, in Mins:
5: Starter activity what shapes can you see in the room?
Draw them if you cannot name them.
Quick directed question and answer around the room for clarification
10: Show videos on BBC skills wise http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/topic/3-d-shapes
-Link to Pierce, Rod. “2D Shapes – Polygons and More” Math Is Fun. Ed. Rod Pierce. 28
Jan 2019. 29 Apr 2019 <http://www.mathsisfun.com/shape.html>
-Link to Pierce, Rod. “Common 3D Shapes” Math Is Fun. Ed. Rod Pierce. 28 Jan 2019. 29 Apr 2019 <http://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/common-3d-shapes.html>
Discussion and presentation on properties and the need to describe basic 2D & 3D shapes.
20: Hand out physical 2D and 3D shapes to pairs learners, with Instamatic cameras, pens
rulers, graph paper for constructing a table of shapes to describe their properties and
add pictures.
10: Swap constructed table with another pair to peer mark. Discuss properties and mark
with class. Swap back marked peer marked papers
10: Kahoot Quiz on 2D & 3D Shapes use mobile phones or tablets (available in class)
5: Plenary what have you learnt today about shapes? Directed Q&A around class to
confirm understanding. Home work and reading for next session online or in their
‘Designer notes’ I use a Scheme of Learning with the links embedded of ease of use. Active learning with these learners is paramount, as there are 2 Learning Support Assistance, with learners that have Specific Learning Difficulties.
Feedback from a peer
- Review Submitted byWinda Nurhasanah
- Alignment: To what extent is there alignment between the intended learning outcome(s), the learning and teaching activities, and the assessment?
The alignment is nicely arrange - Assessment: Is there something every learner does that can show how well they are learning?
yes, there is - Feedback: To what extent will learners be able to tell how well they are learning – can they self-assess? Is there feedback from peers, or from a computer, or from a tutor?
they can see how well they learn from Kahoot - Reflection; I was pleased with feedback and my assignment
This has been an informative and interesting week. I have learnt a great deal about designing a blended learning session. My assignment was reviewed and accepted as good.
Next week is the final week, so I will be revising for the end of course assessment.
Wenger, E., (2009). Social Theory of Learning. Chp 15, Contemporary Theories of Learning, Learning Theorists …. in Their own words. Ed., Illeris, K., Routledge, London