Title of Educational Doctorate Research Project: What are the Employment Prospects of Autistic Spectrum Condition Graduates when Transitioning into the Workplace and Considering Disclosing their Neurodivergence?
I am undertaking research into the employment prospects for autistic graduates. This project has ethical approval from the University of Greenwich FEHHS Research Ethics Committee. I am writing to invite those diagnosed (clinically or self) with autism to complete a questionnaire (below). I am also inviting respondents to participate in a semi-structured online interview via Microsoft Teams with me. This is to further understand the experience of an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) graduate seeking and obtaining employment and whether neurodivergence is disclosed or revealed.
The reason for the research project is to gather first-hand experiences of disclosure or non-disclosure of ASC and the effects this has. The results will inform practice and support ASC graduates’ decision-making process, by producing a tool to consult for this complex situation. You can also read the Participant Information Sheet here.
If you have autism and wish to take part, you can complete the anonymous questionnaire link to my survey here:
Within the survey, you can indicate if you agree to participate in the Microsoft Teams online semi-structured interview with me to discuss further.
Thank you Ann Dean Educational Doctorate student at the University of Greenwich
Linked: linkedin.com/in/ann-dean-1st-qtls-ma-ed-tech-patoss-83049572
Teaching Status: MSET & QTLS Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/AnnDean90909449